Post you prayers

Thank you for your interest in posting your prayers in this PRAYING FOR YOU blog.
Your prayers, not only online with friends to help pray, every week we will repost your prayers to Radio Veritas of Asia, Chinese Section, they will forward your prayers to Sisters in Taipei Carmelite Monastery and the Sisters will also praying for you. Wish you feel the love from God.


Thanks for Fr.'s and Mother Sha's pray for a couple's patron saints' birhtday

Thanks for Fr.'s prayer for their patron saints' birhtday.
However, the wife raise Fr.'s gift higher than the husband's suggestion for electric safety.
She change the Lucia's 10 kind works flag as Fr.'s greeting glass plot on the best place on the wall, but put the Nilon flag covered on the electric switch.
It is dangourous because the electric switch may induce fire spike and let the flag burned.
Also the flag let people cannot see the flag position and may let the flag become dirty after many times touching the electric swich through the flag cover.
Wish Lord can see the proud of the wife and let her know she should know the dangourous of eletricity.
Lord! please hear us!

pray for Joseph

Please pray for Joseph for her work efficiently.
Lord! Please hear us!